How to Create a Cleaning Routine For Your Business in Melbourne

Cleanliness and hygiene are often overlooked in businesses. When you are working to a tight deadline and you have a lot to get done, you may forget about business cleaning in Melbourne. But it’s so important to keep the work environment clean and hygienic because it can have a big impact on your business. An unclean office is a breeding ground for bacteria, which means that you and your employees are at risk of illness. A dirty office can also lead to a big drop in productivity, so if you don’t keep it clean, you could be losing money. That’s why it’s so important that your business has a good cleaning routine in place. If you do not have one already, here is how to create one. 

Make Employees Responsible For Their Desks 

It’s a lot easier to keep the office space clean if you divide up the work and everybody chips in. That’s why you should make all employees responsible for their own desk area. Make sure that they remove any rubbish at the end of each day and empty out their bins. The desk should be left tidy so they are easy to wipe down. Drawers are not used as often as the desk itself, but they can still collect dust and germs so they should be cleaned out on a regular basis as well. Finally, all employees need to clean their mouse and keyboard because they pick up a lot of germs. If they are never cleaned, they are a health risk so make sure that they are not neglected. 

Set Clear Kitchen Rules 

The kitchen is very important when it comes to commercial cleaning in Melbourne offices because there is a lot of potential for the spread of bacteria. If people leave old food in the fridge or they forget to clean up any spills, it will soon become very dirty in there. That’s why it’s important that you set clear kitchen rules. Everybody needs to be responsible for cleaning up their own mess right away, and you should throw out any food that is left in there at the end of each week. You should also check whether anybody in the office has allergies and consider banning certain foods that could be a health risk. 

Hire Commercial Cleaners 

Your employees should be responsible for their own desk areas and you need clear rules in the kitchen, but you will still need to hire a business cleaning service in Melbourne to clean other areas. They will handle the cleaning of reception areas, vacuuming all carpets, giving the kitchen a deep clean, and cleaning toilets. You cannot neglect these areas but your employees do not have the time to do all of this cleaning, so you need a business cleaning service. 

It’s so important that you keep your office clean if you want your business to run effectively. Your employees should be responsible for their immediate area but you also need a commercial cleaning service in Melbourne to keep your office hygienic. 

If you are looking for a reliable and professional cleaning service for your business in Melbourne, Colmbo’s Cleaning are offering your ‘first clean FREE’ as well as a money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.

Give us a try and call Martesse on 0418386439 or fill out our online form.